pack polymer
History of polymer pack
Pack Polymer production group is one of the largest producers of polymer films, and the products produced in this group are the basic needs of the packaging industry.
Relying on our experience, technical knowledge, modern machines and equipment and quality raw materials, we have produced the following products:
- Industrial stretch
- food stretch
- Shrink Polyethylene (PE) Polyolefin (POF) and
- polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
Greenhouse and - agriculture wide nylon
- Construction nylon,
- nylon mulch
- Shop and advertising
- nylon
- Shock-absorbing bubble nylon
- Shock absorber airbag
Warning and danger bar - Nylex with handle
- Hospital and home
- waste bag
- freezer bag
- single-use glove
- disposable tablecloth
- Food packaging
- envelope
- Packaging envelope for
- parts and accessories
- cellophane
- Scotch
- Bubble envelope for
- carrying postal items
- Industrial bread
- packaging cellophane
- Vegetable packaging
- cellophane
- Ice cream wrapper
- Wrappers for chips and puffs
- Biscuit and cake
- wrappers Aluminum foil and...
Also, Pack Polymer uses printing and sewing equipment and machines to print full HD up to 8 colors on the produced films. We do our best to deliver the orders of our dear customers as early as possible.
Therefore, with careful planning and customer-oriented principles, fortunately we have achieved this important goal. Our motto and practice is competitive price and quality along with customer-oriented principles.